
National Coalition
For Sexual Freedom

[Town Council]


> National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

> Contact: > Judy Guerin, Executive Director > (703) 534-9604 > ncsfreedom@ncsfreedom.org > www.ncsfreedom.org



> Washington, D.C.-February 23, 1999-The > National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF) > Board of Directors met to discuss current and > future plans on January 30-31, 1999. The > meeting was attended by NCSF board members > appointed by The Eulenspiegel Society (TES), > Black Rose, the Gay Male S/M Activists (GMSMA) > and the National Leather Association- > International (NLA-I), as well as independent > board member Bruce Marcus, and Charles Moser, > M.D., PhD., Advisor to the Board.

> While the NCSF will take broad stands on > sexual freedom issues, the NCSF will focus its > resources on issues that are central to the > SM/Leather/Fetish community. The NCSF will > promote the scientific study of alternative > sexual expression, and the education of media, > law enforcement, and health care > professionals. The NCSF will initiate > advocacy, lobbying, and media awareness > campaigns during 1999 on the following issues:

> - Hate Crimes, Violence, and Discrimination, > - Divorce and Child Custody, > - Censorship, > - Repeal of Sodomy laws.

> The NCSF board structure will be revised to > involve more educational and social > SM/leather/fetish organizations in directing > the future of the coalition. This new board > structure, planned to be implemented early > next year, will be announced later in 1999. > Minutes of the board meeting are posted on the > NCSF website at www.ncsfreedom.org.

> "These changes reiterate the NCSF's commitment > to fight the ignorance, discrimination, and > violence faced by the SM/Leather/Fetish > community throughout this country," said Jack > McGeorge, Chairman of the Board of the NCSF. > "By narrowing our focus to those issues of > paramount importance to our community, we > believe NCSF, with community support, can > achieve change."

> New organizational structures and management > changes were also announced. Susan Wright has > been promoted to the position of National > Policy Director. Judy Guerin has accepted the > position of Executive Director with Marc > Berlove as Deputy Executive Director. Lolita > Wolf has been promoted to the position of > National Outreach and Fundraising Director.


> The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom > (NCSF) is a national advocacy and lobbying > organization promoting tolerance of sexual > minorities and of those who engage in, write > about, or study sexual minority practices > among consenting adults. The NCSF has a > specific commitment to the SM/Leather/Fetish > community whose members continue to be > victimized and discriminated against because > of their sexual expression.

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