Faculty & Staff


Guy Baldwin is a licensed psychotherapist who worked primarily with clients who pursued s/m, leather, and fetish sexualities. He now travels the US & Canada as a guest speaker and teacher, offering a wide array of workshops and seminars to audiences of leather & fetish folks and professionals. Guy has been interviewed on network and cable television, as well as gay and mainstream radio, and by numerous gay and lesbian publications across the nation. He has written many books and essays, and is currently a featured columnist for the on-line leather magazine “The Leather-Navigator”. In 1989-90, Guy served concurrently as the eleventh International Mr. Leather, and the second Mr. National Leather Association.

Joseph W. Bean, author of Leathersex: A Guide for the Curious Outsider and the Serious Player and Leathersex Q&A, has been writing and lecturing about radical sex for more than ten years in venues all across North America. He has edited Drummer, Mach, FQ, Powerplay, International Leatherman and about a dozen other magazines, and his writing and illustrations have appeared in many other periodicals. Currently he is the Executive Director of the Leather Archives and Museum in Chicago. Joseph can be reached at jwbean@ix.netcom.com, and please visit his web pages: www.leatherarchives.org and www.jwbean.com.

Master Carla d. Love is a long time member of Arizona Power Exchange, a past Co-President and current Outreach Chair. She ia a member of Arizona Amazons, FATHOM - Fraternity of Arizona Trustworthy Handballers On the Move and volunteers at the local gay and lesbian Community Center. She is actively working to help bridge the gaps between the lifestyle communities.

Graylin Thornton: International Mr. Drummer 1993-94 began as a member of Southbay Leather and Uniform Group (SLUG) and produced the first Leather Daddy/boy contest, Southbay Leatherfest and Mr. Ebony Leather contest. In 1993 he became the first person of color to win Northern California and International Mr. Drummer. He has served on the fundraising board of ARIS Project, has recently been elected to the board of directors of New Leaf Services and is a kitchen volunteer for Project Open Hand. Currently he is the editor of Power Play & GBM magazines and video producer for Brush Creek Media.

Cynthia (aka Ms Cynthia aka CM HURT)
Cynthia is a member of Threshold, Los Angeles, where she holds the Outreach Chair and serves as a Senior DM. She travels within our community presenting on various topics, mostly on the subject of temporary body modifications. The studio, CM HURT, caters to people of *alternative* lifestyles, offering piercing, branding, scarification, toys and supplies.

Jack Rinella: Author of the best-selling Master's Manual, Jack has been involved in the scene for more than 16 years. An experienced Master, a confirmed sadist, lover to an independently minded bottom named Michael, the proud owner of a 24/7 named Patrick, he continues his search for new members of his polyamorous Leather family. A computer science instructor and owner of Rinella Internet Services, he combines vocation with avocation by hosting several leather-oriented websites and by publishing a weekly e-zine.

Gayle Rubin has been involved in leather activism and scholarship for over two decades. Her writings on leather issues have appeared in the anthologies Coming To Power, Leatherfolk, The Second Coming, and in periodicals including Drummer, DungeonMaster, The Sandmutopia Guardian, and Cuir Underground.

Alan Selby: I came to San Francisco from my native England to open Mr. S. Leather on 7th Street. I joined the Board of The SF AIDS Fund, as it was then, now AIDS Emergency Fund in 1982, and was on the fundraising Committee, as a result of which may new annual events were started. I am proud to be one of the S.F. Leather Daddies , and still assist in benefits. I have been a volunteer on the AIDS Ward at SF General since 1982.

Susan Gonzalez is International Ms. Deaf Leather 1998. Born and bred Californian native resides in San Francisco with her dominatrix feline. Works as a program consultant in the SF School Disctrict as well as a volunteer non-profit administrator. Is extremely active in the Deaf GLBT community in many forms. Was also the first Deaf womin to win a leather title, local or international: Ms. California Deaf Leather 1993

Papa Tony Papa Tony has been actively involved in the leather scene since 1976. He has lately been devoting his energies to the San Diego Leather Leadership Coalition (SDLLC), which is an umbrella organization for the leaders and volunteers from every kink/fetish/BDSM group in town. Papa Tony can be reached thru his web site and email lists: , and SDLLC-BizChat, SDLLC-NewsAndInfo, SDLLC-Officers.

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