The Book of rodt - bobbie

Meow, purr, scratch;
never put a latch,
on your heart.

bobbiecat ross
laid to rest 2:30am - Sunday, July 11, 2004

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A life well-lived
Is a precious gift

Of hope and strength and grace
from someone who has made our world
a brighter, better place.

It's filled with moments sweet and sad,
with smiles and sometimes tears,
with friendships formed.
and good times shared
'and laughter through the years.

A life well-lived
Is a legacy
of joy and pride and pleasure,
a loving, lasting memory
our grateful hearts will treasure.

Sympathizing with you in your great loss…
remembering with you
A very good life.

Rodt to Phil
Phil to rodt
Rodt & Phil to bobbie ross
Bobbie to Elie & Phil & Rod

Bobbie "child"
Born Aries Sun, April 1989 - Transitioned Aries Moon, July 2004