The Book of rodt - shout-outs

the boi sends lots of love and healing.

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Sometimes "Thank You" just doesn't seem like enough. Still...

Without the love, respect and affirmation of Cyd Athens, this site would be but a hope and a dream. This work is Her true Spirit coming to light in honor of a true servant.

To Phil Ross, who, in a time of grief and pain let this be a cathartic release, poring through, and sharing, a life's worth of intimacy to make sure that Rodney Earl Jordan would always be with us. Bless you, Sir.

Rodney, who came back to be with us for 10 years after a terrible illness in 1993. His doctor called him his miracle patient. He had work to do and he did it wonderfully!

Pauline. Pauline. Pauline, for keeping Rodney on her heart day after day; coming to the hospital with her protein "brew," which was the only thing Rod would eat. She held vigil at bedside to give Phil a few hours - a couple of days rest during the 58 day effort to make Rod well again.

To the soulful resident Doctor Rachael who is an angel herself. She was the only Doctor who truly had Rodney on her heart. Even after she was off his case, she kept him on her patient roster and came to visit him during her precious off minutes.

And to the friends and family who visited and called daily in support of Rodney's ordeal. No one, especially Rod, ever believed that he could not do this. We tried so hard; so very, very hard. There just wasn't the material left to work with. And so it is.