The Book of rodt - himself

a butterfly trying
to get over the mountain
with small boots on.

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My childhood was somewhat uneventful with the exception of my birth. However, I cannot say such about the rest of my life. I was born at Shaw Air Force Base, in South Carolina, in the fall of 1952. I was born with bronchitis and pneumonia, with a fever of 107; 108 is fatal. My first memories of life happened then. I had an out of body experience in which I saw the hospital operating room in which I was born. I was floating (not too high, I'm afraid of heights) above a kidney shaped stainless steel bowl filled with ice-cold alcohol. Around the room I could see lime green tiled walls with several people standing around in dingy white robes that tied at the waist. I do not remember seeing my newborn body, however. I just remember the stainless steel bowl getting closer and closer, then time, in the form of memory, stood still until I was about three years old.